Posted by Resortalia & filed under Events.

During spring 2023 a grand event of nature will take place during the months of February and March. This will happen in the 13,000 hectors of stone fruit trees in the Region of Murcia, this event is called the Floración de Cieza. Millions of flowers from the trees of peaches, plums, apricots, nectarines and almonds create an incredible landscape, catching the attention of thousands of visitors every year.

Bearing in mind that this act of nature is contstantly evolving, there is a lot of variation in the types of fruits, colours of the flowers and that some trees might have a higher or lower amount of flowers. The best places to experience this amazing act of nature are: La Parra, Cabezo Redondo, La Macetúa, Las Cañadas, El Acho, El Horno, El Elipe, El Olmico o Soto de la Zarzuela.