Publicado by Resortalia & archivado en Eventos.

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1. Make sure it is properly locked

Although it may seem logical, most of us have had it happen to us at some point that when we got back to the car we realised that we hadn’t locked it. It is essential that when you get out of the car you check that the doors have been correctly locked, also for those who use a remote control, as this will prevent theft by thieves who use frequency inhibitors. It is recommended to lock the car with a key instead of a remote control to prevent thieves from copying the frequency of the remote control and being able to open the car without forcing it.

2. Do not leave objects in plain sight

What you want is to go unnoticed by thieves, so leaving a handbag, glasses case, mobile phone holder or any valuables on the car seat is the first step in getting them to notice your vehicle. It is best not to leave anything inside, but if you have no choice, it is preferable to put it in the boot before arriving at the car park to avoid being watched.  You should lock your car to prevent thieves from copying the frequency of the remote control. Also, do not leave your house keys or garage key fob next to private documents with your address on them because they will not only snoop on your car, but also into your home. It is recommended to lock the car with a key to prevent thieves from copying the frequency of the remote control.Do not leave your house keys or garage door remote next to private documents with your address on them, because then they will snoop not only in your car, but also in your home.

3. Try not to park in places where there is little traffic.

The more isolated and undeveloped the place where you park, the better the conditions will be for thieves to steal with confidence. The most advisable thing to do when parking your vehicle is to park it in places that are busy because in the event of a robbery, someone could see it and hinder the attack. It is advisable to park the car as close as possible to security checkpoints or security cameras, as well as to immediately report any unusual noise to security.

4. It is recommended that you park in line

Any strange manoeuvres made by the offender in a car parked in rows will be much more visible to patrols as they have a wider angle of vision and it is more difficult to hide between cars.

5. Parking in garages is always preferable

This will always be the best option, as the vehicle will be less exposed to the public’s attention and, in addition, the garage represents a physical barrier to theft. However, in many cases it is difficult to have a garage, so in these cases it is best to move the vehicle frequently, so that it does not look abandoned.

6. Maintain some privacy on social networks

The Internet is a very useful tool in many aspects, however, with the rise of social networks, the line of privacy is becoming increasingly blurred. We must be careful with the information we share so that others do not use it against us.

It is advisable to post locations on delay and avoid posting details of your travels in advance.