Posted by Resortalia & filed under Events.

The Lemon Art exhibition can now be seen in Murcia. The eight giant lemons have now been placed in the center of the city.

Specifically, the traveling exhibition that has arrived in Murcia has already toured three Spanish cities with great success: Madrid, Malaga and Valencia. The exhibition, coordinated by the painter Mayte Spínola, will remain in Plaza Santo Domingo and Gran Vía Alfonso X El Sabio until 10th March 2021.

This traveling exhibition is one of the actions framed within the international campaign that the Interprofessional Association of Lemon and Grapefruit of Spain is developing under the campaign ‘Welcome To The Lemon Age’, with the support of the European Union and the Spanish lemon sector. In particular, it is being carried out by Spain, France and Germany. The exhibition is the result of an agreement between the European lemon sector and the Grupo pro Arte y Cultura. Over the next few months, it will visit seven cities in Europe that will become the European lemon showcase for a few days.

The project aims to make everyone aware that the best lemons are the best in the Mediterranean claim their qualities and make visible the effort of the more than 20,000 Spaniards who work in this sector daily. At the base of each of the sculptures, there is a description of what it represents.

Murcia, one of the main production areas worldwide. The European lemon is available in the 12 months of the year. Lemon trees are less sensitive to low temperatures than other citrus fruits. The most important production and distribution areas correspond mainly to the semi-arid and arid subtropical regions with minimum temperatures above -4º C, where the lemon trees adapt perfectly to the Mediterranean climate.

For this reason, the Mediterranean basin is perfect for its cultivation, being the east and south of Spain it is one of the main production areas worldwide, especially in the Region of Murcia, Valencia, and Andalucia.